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Dental Sanitation and Safety Procedures

By April 29, 2020January 10th, 2025No Comments

Dental practices continue to be one of the safest environments

Dental practice infection control standards are mandated by state and federal law originating with guidelines established by the CDC, WHO, FDA, US Dept of Health and Human Services, the Texas State Board of Dental examiners, the American Dental Association, and the Texas Dental Association. That’s a lot of input on ways to keep you safe.

Our strict policy and sanitization procedures have not changed due to the Coronavirus

We take infection control seriously because we care about the safety of our favorite people: our patients and employees!

We continue to use hospital grade, CDC and OSHA-mandated cleaning and disinfection protocols for all surfaces in our office and treatment rooms to disinfect all areas after each patient.

  • Dentists and hygienists wear masks to protect YOU
  • Sanitize with hospital-grade disinfectant before and after all patients enter, sit down (in a chair that is at least 6 feet away from another), touch door handles, and is even used on the pens and paper used to sign in

A few extra steps to ensure your safety

Our staff has been working hard during the stay at home orders. We took this time to deep clean and disinfect every surface, including the walls.

  • All door handles are now wrapped in copper tape, which is used to help kill microbes and bacteria
  • Excess furniture and clutter have been removed as these are places where bacteria can linger (this also ensures all surfaces can be disinfected easily)
  • Additional disinfecting of areas to include bathrooms, all touchable surfaces and door handles after every patient

New Check-in Procedures

  • Please arrive within 5 minutes of your appointment time
  • You are welcome to come check-in for your appointment from your vehicle
  • Will be asked to use hand sanitizer upon arrival
  • Temperature will be taken. Above 100.4 will not be seen.
  • Must complete new COVID Questionnaire
  • We recommend you not bring anyone with you to your appointment
  • We will get you back to a room as soon as possible to avoid wait time in the lobby

Our patients are like family to us and we want you to feel safe here. Please know we’ll be taking every precaution possible to ensure your safety.

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