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Invisalign: How Often Do I Need Follow-up Appointments?

By August 15, 2018January 10th, 2025No Comments
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Individuals with crooked, overlapped, or gapped teeth can benefit from Invisalign at our Amarillo, TX, practice. This revolutionary orthodontic system straightens the teeth discreetly using a series of clear aligners.

If you have chosen this treatment option, then you may want more information on the Invisalign appointment frequency. Dr. Eddy Sauer and Dr. Nathaniel M. Avirett can help you understand the process for fitting the aligners and the appointment timeline you will experience.

Your Initial Consultation

Your first appointment will be the lengthiest, as you can expect to be in our office for about an hour to an hour and a half. We will take impressions of your upper and lower teeth, clinical photographs, and digital X-rays. The impressions will be used as the models for your aligners.

All of this information is sent to the Invisalign headquarters, where their technicians will fabricate your aligners.

Your First Set of Aligners

Your fabricated Invisalign aligners are replaced every two weeks with a new set designed to move the teeth to their next position. This next appointment should only last about an hour, during which we will:

  • Place bonded fasteners that aid in efficiently moving your teeth
  • Fit you for the first aligner to ensure it fits snuggly against your teeth
  • Demonstrate how to use, store, and clean the aligners
  • Review general guidelines for eating and drinking

Invisalign Checkups

The nature of your treatment plan will determine the number of follow-up visits you will have with us. Since Invisalign is so different from traditional metal braces, adult patients will typically visit our office every four to eight weeks for a short 15-minute appointment.

During this time, we will check your progress and answer any questions you may have, and dispense your next set of aligner trays. These appointments will help ensure you get the best possible results.

You will be given enough sets of aligners to switch them out every two weeks as prescribed by your dentist. It is crucial that you do not change them out any earlier than that. It can alter your treatment plan and your desired results.

Some patients may notice that their teeth move pretty quickly but waiting the required two weeks gives your jawbone the time it needs to support the tooth in its new position. Each set of aligners is designed to fit where the teeth should be at the end of the two weeks. Once they begin to feel more comfortable, then you know your teeth are moving and the treatment is working.

Your aligners must be left in for at least 22 hours per day and only removed to eat and brush your teeth. However, if you have a special evening planned or photos scheduled, you can temporarily remove your Invisalign aligners for the event.

Your Final Appointment

Total treatment time is usually around 12 months. During your final appointment, we will assess your progress and ensure the results are satisfactory.

Contact Our Practice for More Information

Join the ranks of over three million patients who have chosen Invisalign as their preferred treatment for straighter teeth. Schedule a consultation with us today by contacting us online or by calling 806-358-2472.

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